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Internal Endpoints

Internal Endpoints are private endpoints that only receive traffic when forwarded through the forward-internal traffic policy action. This allows you to route traffic to an application through ngrok without making it publicly addressable.

Internal endpoint URLs must:

  • End with the .internal domain extension
  • Use the internal binding

A common practice is to use a public cloud endpoints to manage a centralized Traffic Policy, then forward traffic to one or more internal endpoints. See the guide on using cloud endpoints with internal endpoints to learn more.


Agent Endpoint

Create an internal agent endpoint by specifying a binding of internal when you create an endpoint.


Cloud Endpoint

Instead of an agent endpoint, you can create an internal cloud endpoint.

Specify a binding of internal when you create the cloud endpoint.



Internal endpoints aren’t directly accessible. To send traffic to an Internal Endpoint, you must create an endpoint that uses the Traffic Policy to forward traffic using the forward-internal action.

For example, to route public traffic to your internal endpoint, use the following command and traffic policy to create a Public Cloud Endpoint that forwards requests to your Internal Endpoint:


Now, when you make a request to, ngrok applies the specified traffic policy. This policy instructs ngrok to use the forward-internal action, routing the incoming HTTP request directly to your internal endpoint at https://example.internal.

This configuration lets you manage how traffic reaches your service without requiring it to be directly accessible on the public internet.

Inferred Binding

ngrok automatically infers an internal binding for any endpoint created with a .internal hostname, so you can omit the binding property in most cases.

For example, the following command creates an endpoint with an internal binding:



  • Scheme - Internal endpoints support all Endpoint Protocols (http, https, tcp and tls).
  • Hostname - Hostnames must end with .internal and may contain up to 5 subdomains. You must specify a URL with a hostname, randomly-assigned hostnames are not supported. You may specify wildcard hostnames.
  • Port - All port numbers [1-65535] are valid. For tcp endpoints, you must specify a port.
  • Namespacing - Internal endpoints are namespaced on a per-account basis. This means that, two different accounts may have internal endpoints with the same URL (e.g. https://api.internal) without conflict or interference in endpoint pooling.


  • https://example.internal
  • https://example.internal:12345
  • tls://example.internal
  • tls://example.internal:12345
  • tcp://example.internal:12345

Type and Pooling

HTTP/S on_tcp_connect phase

For internal http and https endpoints, the on_tcp_connect Traffic Policy phase is not applicable and never triggers.

This is because when you use the forward-internal action to forward traffic to an http or https endpoint, no new TCP connection is established. For additional details, see the forward-internal documentation.


Internal endpoints can be managed programatically. To get started, consult the Endpoints API documentation.


Internal endpoints are available on the Pay-as-you-go plan. Consult the Endpoints Pricing documentation for billing details.